
Lies vs. Truth

There is condemnation here.
How can 19 be stronger than 22?
I'm going to mess up, don't trust me.
I'm the same. I'm the same.
Quit this ministry of lies, if they knew it'd be over.
I put him back on the cross for everyone to see
I am unworthy of this call, accusation is for me.

They tell me that they love me, I feel pain.
You tell me that you love me, I shudder and want it to be over.
I want you to move on.
Why won't you move on?
See me for who I really am. Open your eyes.

The darkness covers all, I am suffocating.
It's overwhelming, I beg it to stop.
Please stop.

Her hand is on my heart,
I can't, I can't.
"You have to look me in the eyes"
You have heard my truth, I already know what you will say.
"That is all lies"

Spirit of unworthiness leave in the name of Jesus
Spirit of fear leave in the name of Jesus
Spirit of condemnation leave in the name of Jesus
Spirit of shame leave in the name of Jesus

Lord have mercy, I choose Jesus.
Lord have mercy, I choose Jesus.
Lord have mercy, I choose Jesus.
Lord have mercy, I choose Jesus.

Breathing comes, deep breaths.
I can sit up straight again,
Heaviness is gone.
What will fill me now?
The only one that can.
Lord have mercy, I choose Jesus.

There is redemption here.
This man is stronger than wood and nails and death.
I judge you from my rightful throne
then I get off the throne and take the punishment upon myself
it is finished. IT IS FINISHED.
Judge and Savior
I have victory, this is truth.
Grace is for you, Love is for you.
Come Home, for I have called you


Note to Self

One of these days I will release one. Just so people can say, "With the release of her Sophomore Album, 'Jesus is for Winners II' Lydia has decided to include more cowbell on many of her tracks." Or something of that nature.
PS. I haven't actually decided to name my album 'Jesus is for Winners' that's just something I'm throwing around.
Maybe I'd title it 'Sophomore Album' simply because I like the usage of the phrase 'Sophomore Album' and would want to hear it as much as possible.


Float On

I am Lost (Float On)
And I'm Alone (Float On)
I have nothing to call my own
No where to call my home
No roots for me to grow
I'm Empty (Float On)

Where does my identity lie
Who is my Father
And how do I get there
When will I see clear
And you say (Float On)

I'm Broken (Float On)
I'm Messy (Float On)
I have no confidence in me
I hear that I am free
Lord I just wanna see
Your Mercy (Float On)

Float unto me
I will help you see
That you are Free
Free in Me
Float on


Dazed and Confused

In middle school there was a chapstick flavor called 'Dazed and Confused' that I used to use.
It was glittery and had attitude.
I used to feel that way.

In high school I led a team who taught abstinence to younger students.
Our slogan was 'Students today aren't ready for sex'.
I didn't agree with what I taught.

In college I met a boy who told me he believed.
He didn't.
I didn't care.

I have met my Savior who said, 'Come, Follow me".
He saved my life.
I'm not confused anymore.


How Are You?

A question that essentially means nothing to most of the world. In some countries they ask in their respective language, "where are you going?" instead. But in the beloved U.S. of A. we chose, "How are you?" I would personally prefer the former; this is due to the fact that I almost always have somewhere to be but can almost never tell you how I am. Why is is often easier to answer where you are going than where you have been? Forward even rolls off the toungue better than backward. Can I answer, "I am presently looking forward, how are you?" Why won' t that suffice? Has anyone ever heard a really good answer to the question, "how are you?" that would make you want to ask it again? So ponder that while I ask,
How are you? or if you prefer, Where are you going?


Don't Speak. For Once.

Don't you just want to write something that matters? What words can actually make a difference in a life? What could I possibly type that I haven't already said? What could I type that hasn't been typed before?
Experiments= trial and error... here we go.