
set apart

I'm becoming a loser

I don't hang out with the right people

I hang out with the mutual friend, but not the core
I hang out with that lady and her daughter
I hang out with the one, instead of the many
I hang out with that girl who's story no one knows
I hang out with old ladies
I hang out alone

I don't hang out at the right places

I hang out at the bible study that everyone decided wasn't worth their time
I hang out at the beach when there isn't a surf contest
I hang out in town, on all the wrong days
I hang out and jam with no audience
I hang out at work
I hang out alone

I'm not that girl I used to be
I used to be the girl in the middle
now I'm the girl on the outside
I used to be the loud one
now I'm the watcher
I used to be the girl on top of the world
now I'm a stranger here
I used to have everything
now I have nothing
I used to be the cool one
now I'm the loser

and I'm really really happy about it.

If you are calling me to be a loser for the kingdom
I'm gonna be the best loser you have ever called

Matthew 16:24
If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.


keep your damn roller-coaster
this ride is no fun anyway 


but i don't know how to make it stop