

Today I opened my eyes
on that string I often find myself on
and I began my day on the up
I almost got stuck on the up
like when you get that gnarly tangle
the one where you have to ask your brother to get out for you
and then he breaks your string
I almost asked to get untangled
I was ready for the breaking
but then we went for a swim
in water that was so fluid you couldn't help but loosen up
I did the dance, the one that untangled me
and let go a little more
and throughout the day
I continued to let go
until night fell
and I touched the ground
when I did
I liked what I felt
on this ground is trust
solid faithful trust
I have landed
and I'm not going back up that string
not because I'm afraid to get tangled
but because you don't have me on a yo-yo


Boiling Point

and even as I write that I know it's not true
because I felt it burning earlier today
That little flame, tiny heat source that indicates life
But now it's dull
almost a faint memory
How quickly it blows out
As I melt here under the hot sun
I know I'm the only one that longs to be lit on fire
I am hungry for the burn
not just the burn on my skin, but in my soul too
Because no one here is asking for more heat
no one is asking for more sun
In fact, they wouldn't mind if it cooled down a little
But I am sitting here watching the sun set
and I am begging for it to stay up
I am begging to be closer
begging to be ignited
I am begging for more SON.

dial it down

How good it must feel
to see all your dreams come true
to put them into reality
He saw that there was darkness
So He said, 'let there be light'
Let there be ocean and sky too
and it was good
it was GOOD
When will be learn
to believe like that?
to have Power like that?
as I sit here, writing on my clean journal
crisp white pages
sand gets in the creases
I look up and say
Let there be justice
Let there be mercy
Let there be grace
Let there be a place for us
and I look down
and He says
'Lyd, let there be sand too.'


court jester

you trickster you!

telling me one place
meaning another
giving me a taste
then taking it away

maybe you aren't a trickster
but you sure are a tease
telling me to go in faith
to leave everything I need

well here I am
flirting with a place
from two islands away
I fell for it like a sucker.

You had my attention
you gave your commandment
I came and as soon as I got a taste
you changed my palette

silly me
for thinking I had any idea what you meant
now my imagination is flowing
possibility surrounds me
potential is looming

maybe this is just another stand up routine
maybe I'm just a punchline
or maybe you aren't joking.



I have bruises and scratches all over my legs
my legs that can't possibly walk, swim, bike, hike, or run any farther
but I know that when my head leaves the pillow
I'll be doing it all over again

because I'm finally here
I am home
on this island with no hope of return
to that life I was leading before
that life I was 'living'

living is what i do now
you want to know what death feels like?
ask me.


Beggar Man

What would they do if you walked into church?

Would they recognize you from the highway?

Would they remember what your sign says?

Would they mutter “honey don’t stare!”

Would they scoot away if you sat in their row?

Would they hold your hand during prayer?

Blind Man

What would they do if you walked into church?

Would they quickly look away?

Would they hug you during greeting time?

Would they offer to help you find a seat?

Would they count their ‘blessings’?

Adulterous Woman

What would they do if you walked into church?

Would they turn their noses up?

Would they scoff as they watch you pray?

Would they cover the eyes of their children?

Would they hold on tighter to their husbands?

Son of Man

What would they do if you walked into church?

Would they forget their status?

Would they act like children and stare?

Would they run up to you for prayer?

Would they beg for healing?

Would they remember their sins?

Would they leave their row to sit in yours?