

What sound do stars make
because from here they are silent


every emotion has an edge
today I have managed get to each of them

fear to courage
excitement to turmoil
strength to weakness
happiness to sadness
love to anger
hope to despair


teetering with every word
convulsing with every memory
elated with every tossed possession

Who I was
Who I am
Who I will be
all going through my head making me dizzy

I didn't know it was possible to feel everything and nothing at the same time

I'm shaking

please come and help me stand
because I'm falling
and I need a Rock
to make me


The grass isn't always greener

Your party,

I used to go to your party
Your party has style
it has last minute invites
the promise of bottomless kegs,
hazy dancing,
and someone to go home with
The people at your party are in a trance
profound beings attend
who "hate the man"
and "listen to Bob Marley"
and attitude of anger falls
when the kegs eventually run dry
but that's okay
there is another one of your parties
just down the street

My party is potluck style
dollar tree decorations
last minute arrivals
at my party the red cups hold soda and juice
they are always full
there is no trace of alcohol
and no one asking for it
the people you meet tonight will remember your name tomorrow
they will remember the conversations you had
under the bright lights
while every one's favorite song plays
there are good solid hugs
"room for Jesus" on the dance floor
and happy people all around

My party won't leave you feeling empty in the morning
There will never be another party like mine
it cannot be duplicated
you can come to my party
if you leave your party behind.



"There is a hurricane there!"
is what they keep telling me

but they don't see that there is a hurricane here too


The Crash

Pray like this...
Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On Earth As It Is In Heaven...

When Your Heaven comes crashing into my earth
I'll be free
On the day of this Holy invasion
I'll be lifted of these chains
the chains that bind me and remind me
that I'm a prisoner here

I'll choose into enlightenment, not ignorance
because I'll want to know what's really going on
not just what they're telling me

I'll look into the eyes of Jesus
and I'll remember all the beauty I have ever seen
and I'll know that this is much greater

I'll choose eternal worship and praise
over cloud hopping and chocolate

On the day when heaven invades earth
the tables will be turned...
they will be knocked completely over
because that is what He is coming to do

When His will is the one to be carried out
we better be ready

Ready to see the truly righteous in power
Ready to stare evil in the face and show it the exit door
Ready to work and worship along side Jesus
Ready to reign under the True King

When His earth becomes the only one we know
When Heaven and Earth are synonymous
That is when We'll know what it means
to Live.


Welcome Back!

"Welcome Back!"
They say to you
in their signs
their hugs
their smiles
They want to welcome you back to the place that is familiar.
Nervous and excited their eyes search yours
for a hint of approval
or maybe recognition.
They have waited to welcome you back
to re-introduce you to your home
to your life
to your self

they have clung to your brief emails, phone calls, and letters
they will cling to your words, stories, knowledge
...for a little while

until your stories begin to sound different
heavy, convicting, strange
they start to look at you confused
"Who are you?"
"Where is the one I used to know?"
they ask pleading with their eyes

Because the one they used to know is gone,
they know it and you know it
that one didn't come back
that one no longer exists

That one took down the blinders and had her eyes opened
She returned with a new look in her eye
She returned to a familiar land
the one they want her to call home again
but now she is a stranger

They wanted her to Go but not Change
They said "goodbye" with the stipulation that they'd one day say "welcome back"
But she can't go back, there is no such thing as back

"home" looks different now
it even sounds and tastes different in the mouth
Because she knows that the home they speak of is no longer hers
Her home is bigger now
her home is with her brothers and sisters who speak a different language
Her home is places they've never even seen before
Places they would never go

Her home is the place where her Father sits on a throne
and dwells within her
Where she is a child of the Most High
Where she changes the world for His glory
while He changes her story
He is with her always now, He is in her everything now
clearly speaking over her and to her
even now

He is too close now
He breaths with her
sings with her
His heart beats with hers
She knows His thoughts, sees His moves, shares His dreams
She is in Love with Him
This is why she can never go back
This is why she will never go back

27 My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people. 28 Then the nations will know that I the LORD make Israel holy, when my sanctuary is among them forever.' "