
Beggar Man

What would they do if you walked into church?

Would they recognize you from the highway?

Would they remember what your sign says?

Would they mutter “honey don’t stare!”

Would they scoot away if you sat in their row?

Would they hold your hand during prayer?

Blind Man

What would they do if you walked into church?

Would they quickly look away?

Would they hug you during greeting time?

Would they offer to help you find a seat?

Would they count their ‘blessings’?

Adulterous Woman

What would they do if you walked into church?

Would they turn their noses up?

Would they scoff as they watch you pray?

Would they cover the eyes of their children?

Would they hold on tighter to their husbands?

Son of Man

What would they do if you walked into church?

Would they forget their status?

Would they act like children and stare?

Would they run up to you for prayer?

Would they beg for healing?

Would they remember their sins?

Would they leave their row to sit in yours?

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