
What You Said

Why would I leave this place?
This green
luscious place

People come here, not leave here
Don't you know?

Here is where I grew up
took my first steps
danced my first dance
had my first kiss
became an adult

Here is where I found you!
let you prune
saw you heal
heard you speak
felt you redeem

Here is where you gave me family
not just the blood kind
but the kind that saw me cry
let me speak
taught me to love
saved my life

Don't you know?
That there is work to be done?
That I have more growing up to do?
That people need me?
That I'm just starting to really live?
That I'm scared?

Then why did you speak that night?
Why did you redirect my path?
Why did you open my ears?
Why did you change my whole life?

I can't get it out of my head
what you said
Because what you said was
"you are done here"
"well done"
"Will you go?"
"Come, follow me, again"
"This is not what I have for you"

As I stared at the city that I love
that is what I heard
But what you said was
"I Love You"

And because of what you said
I will leave
I will leave this place, this city, this family, this life
I will leave anything
because of what you said.

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